EXCLUSIVE offer for Spanish and foreign STUDENTS
You must have medical insurance during your stay as a student.
Pagés has signed an agreement with Nueva Mutua Sanitaria, a leading insurer, and recommends that you take out this excellent insurance policy that provides you with the most extensive medical coverage under the best conditions. It has no qualifying periods, which means you can use it from the day it enters effect, and costs from just Euros 36 a month.
Remember that it’s important to take out an insurance policy, not only because it’s a requirement of the Spanish Government for foreign students, but also because you must be covered in the event of a contingency.
Primary care
General medicine, Nursing and Paediatrics
Home care 24 hours a day
24 hour
Travel Assistance
Medical specialties, Surgery and Diagnostic Tests
Hospitalización Médica, Pediátrica, Psiquiátrica, en UVI, Quirúrgica y Obstétrica
Therapeutic methods
Chemo-therapy, Radio-therapy, Rehabilitation and Pain Treatments
Services covered
Ambulance, Chiropody, Psychology, Home care and Prostheses
Preventive Medicine
Diagnosis and treatment of infertility
Refractive surgery for short-sightedness
Management of appointments
Personal manager
Private area
Platform of services
Discount Club
* Without waiting periods (excepting Special Benefits: Diagnosis and treatment of infertility and Refractive surgery for myopia, where the waiting period is 24 months), and without pre-existing for Student Offer.
The insurance policy from Nueva Mutua Sanitaria enables you to apply for and renew a student visa because it complies with all the Spanish Government’s requirements for visa procedures, which include repatriation (this is a requirement imposed by many countries in order to be able to apply for a visa) and non-application of additional copayments.
In order to issue a visa, embassies require that insurance policies be paid for annually.
It depends on the payment method you choose.
- Card payments. Due to the embassies’ visa processing requirement, a single payment must be made for the entire term of the insurance policy (12 months). Once you have filled in the insurance application and the policy has been registered, you will receive an email within a period of 5 days that will contain a link you can use to pay for the policy by credit card.
If you need to submit proof of payment to the Embassy, you’ll find it on your visa statement.
The policy is valid for one year. This means that if your policy enters effect on 1 September, it will expire on 30 August the following year. Thereafter, it will be renewed automatically, unless you cancel it one month before the date it is set to expire, in which case it will not be renewed for the following year.
The policy is valid for 12 months and therefore cannot be taken out for a period of less than one year.

Tel: 910 57 48 72 – 606 99 56 78