Who is the controller of your personal data?
  • Identity of the data controller: Nueva Mutua Sanitaria del Servicio Medico, Mutua de Seguros a Prima Fija, (“Nueva Mutua Sanitaria”)

  • Address: Calle Villanueva nº 14. 4º. 28001-Madrid

  • Phone: +34 91 290 80 75

  • E-mail:

  • Data Protection Officer: Yes, a Data Protection Officer (DPO) has been appointed by the Company.

  • DPO Contact:

What is the purpose of the processing of your personal data by Nueva Mutua Sanitaria?

​​​​​​Nueva Mutua Sanitaria will process your personal data with the maximum respect and fulfilment of the applicable data protection regulations..

We process our insured’s personal data, including health data, to provide the services established in their insurance policies.

Additionally, your personal data, with the exception of your health data, may be processed by Nueva Mutua Sanitaria to send you commercial communications about our products, services and offers related to the health and wellness sector, by any means admitted by law, including email or any other electronic communication provided.

If you do not want Nueva Mutua Sanitaria to inform you about our products and services related to health and well-being, you can send us, at any time, an email objecting to the processing of your data for this specific purpose, to the following email address:

Likewise, we also process the personal data of the “Applicants”, understood as any individual interested in the products offered by Nueva Mutua Sanitaria.

We inform you that the processing of your personal data shall be limited to the purposes set out herein and that, under no circumstances, any automated decisions will be taken on the basis of your profile.

What is the legal basis of the intended processing?

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data, including health data, is the existence of the insurance contract and the execution of the medical services covered by the insurance policy, as well as the legitimate interest pursued by the insurer regarding the data processing for commercial purposes about our own products, related to health and well-being.

How long will we keep your personal data?

We will process your personal data as long as you are a mutualist or an insured member of Nueva Mutua Sanitaria. Once your contractual relationship with Nueva Mutua Sanitaria had come to an end, we will keep your data for the necessary periods to comply with the legal and contractual requirements that may apply, proceeding to its deletion and consequent blocking when they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, keeping them, from that moment on, dully blocked, and only available for the Public Administrations and Courts that might require them, during the limitation periods of the legal actions that could derive from the insurance contract.

The personal data of those “Applicants” who did not become mutualists or insured, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 years, always linked to the maintenance of the offer and in order to prevent fraud in future contracting processes.

What rights do you have as the owner of your personal data?

You, as the owner of your personal data, both directly and through a representative – legal or voluntary – can exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, object, as well as the right to the portability of your data.

To exercise them, you can contact us through the following email:, indicating in the Subject “Data Protection Rights” or, if you prefer, by a postal letter sent to Nueva Mutua Sanitaria of the Medical Service, at Calle Villanueva nº 14, 4th floor, Madrid (28001), specifying what right do you want to exercise. Within a maximum period of 30 days after receiving your request, you will get a response from us.

How did we obtain your personal data? What kind of data do we process?

The personal data process in Nueva Mutua Sanitaria, obtained from you (or the policyholder of which you were insured, if applicable), belong to the following categories of data:

  • Identification and contact information.

  • Banking data.

  • Health data (health questionnaire). The company does not have access to the specific health data derived from the medical services provided by third parties, beyond the medical reports necessary for the prescription of some actions that must be expressly authorized by the company or medical tests or diagnosis made to the insured, in no case having access to the result of these tests, or to the medical history kept by the doctor.

  • Health benefits data requested, authorized and received.

  • Data of different formalities undertaken with Nueva Mutua Sanitaria

What is the Spanish Supervisor Authority where you can file a claim regarding your personal data protection?

We inform you that you can contact our Data Proteccion Officer at In case of disagreement with his resolutio, you can file a claim regarding data protection before the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Proteccion de Datos) at Jorge Juan Street, 6, 28001 – Madrid). You can get more information visiting its website:


Please, fill in the following details:

CONTROLLER OF PERSONAL DATA: NUEVA MUTUA SANITARIA DEL SERVICIO MEDICO, MUTUA DE SEGUROS A PRIMA FIJA, (VAT code: V86444965), established in Madrid (Spain), Calle Villanueva nº 14, and registered at the Registry of insurance companies of the Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, with the code M380, is authorised to operate in the Health branch. …

DATA PROTECTION OFFICER: A Data Protection Officer (DPO) has been appointed by the Company, and can be contacted at:

PURPOSE OF PROCESSING YOUR PERSONAL DATA: Your data will be processed in order to provide you information about our insurance products, and send you commercial communications about these and other services or offers about health and wellness.

LEGITIMATE BASIS FOR DATA PROCESSING: : The present request for information about insurance policies.

RIGHTS: You can request us either to access, rectify, cancel, oppose, or limit the processing of your personal data, as well as to apply for the portability of your data. To exercise them, you must contact us at the following email:, specifying what right you want to exercise, and sending attached a copy of your ID or equivalent identification document in force. Within a maximum period of 30 days after receiving your request, you will get a response from us.

For any further information about our Data Privacy Policy, please read the following web page: