What is a cookie?

A cookie is small text file which a web site places on your PC, telephone or other device, with information on browsing on the site. Cookies are necessary to facilitate browsing and make it easier, and they do not damage your computer.

Although in the present policy, the general term “cookie” is used, it is the main means of information storage that this website uses, the “Local storage” space of the browser is also used for the same purposes as cookies. In this regard, all the information included in this section is likewise applicable to “Local storage”.

What are cookies used for on this web site?

The main purpose of our cookies is to improve the experience of the browsing carried out by visitors to our web site, with the aim to improve it.

PHPSESSIDEsta cookie es nativa de las aplicaciones PHP. La cookie se utiliza para almacenar e identificar el ID de sesión único de un usuario con el fin de administrar la sesión del usuario en el sitio web. La cookie es una cookie de sesión y se elimina cuando se cierran todas las ventanas del navegador. Técnica
bannerEsta cookie controla la aparición del banner de cookies.2 añosTécnica
ANALYTICSEsta cookie controla la inserción o no de las cookies analíticas.2 añosTécnica
_gaEsta cookie es instalada por Google Analytics. La cookie se utiliza para calcular los datos de visitantes, sesiones, campañas y realizar un seguimiento del uso del sitio para el informe analítico del sitio. Las cookies almacenan información de forma anónima y asignan un número generado aleatoriamente para identificar visitantes únicos.2 añosAnalítica
_gidEsta cookie es instalada por Google Analytics. La cookie se utiliza para almacenar información sobre cómo los visitantes usan un sitio web y ayuda a crear un informe analítico de cómo está funcionando el sitio web. Los datos recopilados, incluidos el número de visitantes, la fuente de donde provienen y las páginas, aparecieron de forma anónima.1 díaAnalítica
_gat_gtag UA_115632903_1Google usa esta cookie para distinguir a los usuarios.1 minutoAnalítica
What are cookies NOT used for on this web site?

We do not store sensitive information for personal identification such as your address, your password, the data on your credit card, etc. in the cookies that we use. Nor do we use cookies to orient advertising to our users according to their browsing history or for other advertising purposes whether our own or of third parties.

Who uses the information stored on the cookies?

The information stored on the cookies on our web site is used exclusively by us, with the exception of those of Google Analytics, which are used and managed by Google and by us for statistical purposes.

Is it possible to de-activate the use of cookies?

Yes, cookies can be deactivated nevertheless, if you select this configuration, you will perhaps not be able to gain access to certain parts of our website, and you may have a less efficient navigation or you may not be able to take advantage of some of our services.

If you prefer to restrict, block or delete the cookies from this web site, you can do so by modifying the configuration of your browser. Although the parameterisation of each browser is different, it is usual that configuration of cookies is carried out on the “Preferences” menu or on “Tools”. For further details on the configuration of cookies on your browser, consult the “Help” menu.


Please, fill in the following details:

CONTROLLER OF PERSONAL DATA: NUEVA MUTUA SANITARIA DEL SERVICIO MEDICO, MUTUA DE SEGUROS A PRIMA FIJA, (VAT code: V86444965), established in Madrid (Spain), Calle Villanueva nº 14, and registered at the Registry of insurance companies of the Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, with the code M380, is authorised to operate in the Health branch. …

DATA PROTECTION OFFICER: A Data Protection Officer (DPO) has been appointed by the Company, and can be contacted at:

PURPOSE OF PROCESSING YOUR PERSONAL DATA: Your data will be processed in order to provide you information about our insurance products, and send you commercial communications about these and other services or offers about health and wellness.

LEGITIMATE BASIS FOR DATA PROCESSING: : The present request for information about insurance policies.

RIGHTS: You can request us either to access, rectify, cancel, oppose, or limit the processing of your personal data, as well as to apply for the portability of your data. To exercise them, you must contact us at the following email:, specifying what right you want to exercise, and sending attached a copy of your ID or equivalent identification document in force. Within a maximum period of 30 days after receiving your request, you will get a response from us.

For any further information about our Data Privacy Policy, please read the following web page: